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Improve Your Computer’s Performance With Virus and Spyware Removal

Viruses and spyware can be destructive and frustrating. No matter how many precautions you take, you’ll have to deal with virus and spyware removal eventually, and there are some surprisingly easy steps you can take yourself before you need to try more drastic measures.

If your computer is slow, locks up periodically, or loses files or other forms of data, then it could be infected with a virus. This is a program that is loaded onto a computer without the user’s knowledge or permission. It will replicate itself once it has “infected” your computer and will spread throughout the computer. It usually starts out attached to another program.

Spyware also is loaded onto your computer without permission, but an infected computer may not show overt signs of being infected. This is because the spyware’s purpose is to steal information from your computer and transmit it online. This can include passwords or credit card information. Many spyware programs bring viruses with them.

When you suspect that your computer has been infected with a virus or spyware, it is important to take care of the problem right away to prevent further damage to your computer or more theft of your personal information.

Prevent further damage with Virus and Spyware Removal

Before attempting to get rid of viruses and spyware, disconnect the computer from the Internet. This will prevent spyware from transmitting any more information. If your computer is hardwired to the Internet, then you just need to remove the phone line or Ethernet cable to disconnect it from the Internet. If it is connected wirelessly, you can disconnect the phone line or Ethernet cable from the wireless modem.

The first thing you want to try when attempting virus and spyware removal is to remove the malicious programs like you would any other programs using your operating system’s add/remove program software. In a PC with a Windows operating system, this would be in the Control Panel. After removing the offending programs, restart your computer.

If you are still unable to remove the virus and spyware on your computer, it is time to use software that is designed for virus and spyware removal, especially software that you know is up to date with the latest viruses and spyware. Some operating systems offer their own programs that you can attempt to use, otherwise you will need to purchase virus and spyware removal software, either online or at a computer supply store. If you purchase online, you will need to use another computer and save it to a disk you can use on your infected computer.

If this still does not rectify the situation, it may be time to call in the professionals to help you with your virus and spyware removal before you are forced to try more drastic measures, such as formatting your hard drive and having to reload the operating system onto your computer.

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