Windows 8 Support | MC Helper
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Microsoft Windows 8 Support

If you’ve ever installed a new operating system or complicated software, you’re probably aware the installation seldom goes as easy as you hoped. As expected, the much anticipated release of the Microsoft Windows 8 upgrade and installation hasn’t performed as seamlessly as Microsoft had predicted either. That’s why we offer Windows 8 Support

As a result with installation difficulties, the Windows 8 support team at MC Helper has been busier than ever. The reasons why are monumental. Recent critics of Microsoft’s Windows 8 release, point to Microsoft’s ineffective Windows 8 support, citing the following statistics.

Users were most likely to be confused on issues about Windows 8, including:

  • Installation, upgrade and activation
  • Performance & maintenance
  • Networking & sharing
  • Hardware & drivers
  • Sound & video
  • Software and application incompatibility

More specifically, 15% of all users say they encountered errors during installation and activation. 11% of users had difficulties with software and applications such as being unable to install certain programs or compatibility issues with the Windows 8 platform. 9.3% users have problems with their hardware and drivers. As a result of these issues, the need for Microsoft’s Windows 8 support has been overwhelming, creating an overload for Microsoft and immense frustration for their users.

The result of some of these difficulties have presented themselves as system crashes, freezing, poor or slow performance, connectivity issues, corrupted drivers and files, many times leaving users who have attempted a Windows 8 installation themselves in the dark.

If you’re anticipating installing Windows 8, or are experiencing frustration, confusion or problems with the installation, we can help. At MC Helper, our Windows 8 support team is available to assist you any time night or day. With one click or call, you’ll be connected to a member of our Windows 8 support team, and if you’re comfortable, we’ll take it from there.

Offering quick, reliable and affordable Windows 8 Support Solutions

If you’re experiencing a windows 8 problem and need Windows 8 support there’s no need to come to us, we can handle everything from your home, office or anywhere there’s an internet connection. Don’t let frustration get the upper hand. If you’re experiencing performance issues, freezing or crashing, or simply can’t get your computer performing properly, we can help.

We’re MC Helper, your one stop support shop for all your computer repair and maintenance needs. Why not call or click today?

Computer Tech Support | Computer Repair USA | Computer Repair, Computer Maintenance. Technical Computer Support, Slow and Poor Performance. My Computer Helper will diagnose, repair & resolve Technical Problems.

  • IT Support Slow and Poor Performance.
  • Technical Support
  • Slow or Inconsistent Boot-Up
  • Data Recovery
  • Virus, Malware and Spyware Removal

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